June showers

In June the monsoon was fickle. It started with two days of good rains but then petered out. The days were hot and muggy for a while, but the last few nights of June we had thunder and lightning, and finally, some rain. On the last day of June I went out to receive a delivery and was astounded by the clear skies left by the night’s shower. I don’t remember seeing a sky so blue in the heart of the city.

There was a cool breeze which made the humidity bearable. I walked towards a hedge full of flowers. At this time of the year these hedges are full of mosquitoes. I was trying to get a couple of quick photos, but I got bitten. Anyway, I was happy to get a shot of these flowers hanging over leaves cupping rainwater which reflected the sky.

Since I’d got bitten already, I pushed through the hedge to take a look at the small field beyond. Usually this serves as a practice field for the younger children learning to play football. It has been deserted for more than three months now. On some days I can see a family come down, and the parents let the children run around for a while. It was deserted now, and the low goal post was already rusted with rain. I wonder how many years it will take for the banyan tree to claim this whole field.

I pushed back out through a different gap in the hedge. A different place, and a different flower. This is a typical monsoon scene: flowers holding drops of rain from the last shower. I hope July rains are better.

By I. J. Khanewala

I travel on work. When that gets too tiring then I relax by travelling for holidays. The holidays are pretty hectic, so I need to unwind by getting back home. But that means work.


  1. Your post and the comments resonated and again taught me something. My only experience with monsoon rains was during military service . I knew our experience was unusual and even said to be a record, but it rained for three straight months, and that became my mental image of a monsoon.

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  2. It hadn’t really occurred to me that monsoon weather would also be affected by climate change. With no experience of it, my picture was of a period of heavy rain with little intermission. I now see it’s not like that. Or was that how it used to be?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It doesn’t rain continuously for a hundred days. There are periods of three to five days when we have heavier rain. Climate change has increased the variability of the monsoons. There are periods of history when the monsoon has switched off; one doesn’t quite understand why.

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